Saturday 24 March 2012

It's up to you New York New York....

George's bags were packed and she was as ready as she would ever be to depart New York. We all decided to head to Times Square for one last look around and we found a nice little deli to stop for breakfast. I had a cheeseburger. Spot the girl with the hangover right? Yup- I was feeling pretty shady from my late night antics in Brooklyn.



We all ate in silence and then took our time wandering back to the apartment. Then it was time for George to go.  I don't like saying goodbye, particularly when I do not know when I will see the person again. I therefore refuse to have them, opting for a cheery pat on the back and a 'see you in a bit' kind of approach. This came in to play when I said goodbye to George. I pretended that it would be just like any other time I would bid her farewell and that I would be catching up with her soon.

George. Thank you for coming on this adventure with me and for all of your support. Thank you for organising my life and for helping me sort... well, everything. Thank you for helping me decide on what to pack (only three heels!!!), for getting me around America and for not telling me off when I left my train ticket at McDonalds (whoops). You are not only family, you have been a great friend and I am glad that we got the chance to see a bit of the world together.

 Au revior George. A plus ta.
After George left, I sadly had to go back to bed as last night's shuffle board tournament had left me exhausted. Now I bet you are all thinking- are you crazy?? You spent your last day in New York in bed? The answer is yes, yes I did. But I made up for it that evening by spending the majority of the night out exploring so do not even worry about it. That night, I met up with a (new) friend who had kindly offered to show me  New York City - after hours.  Jared knew that I was leaving in only a matter of hours and took it upon himself to be my tour guide and show me around.

I do not believe that we left one stone unturned in Manhattan. I walked from one end of New York to the other- and then back again. It was mesmerising. It is one thing to be a tourist in New York and to discover the city on your own- but to have someone who knows the town show you- well it is a whole new experience. I was taken to another speakeasy bar in Chinatown, I walked through Soho and Tribeca and I got to look on to Jersey across the water, lit up with lights.  I had the best slider (a mini hamburger) on Saint Marks and we even walked inadvertently through a movie set (sorry mum- I sadly  did not see Mr Clooney).

To finish off my last night in New York, we snuck went up to the top of a building, on to the roof, which gave us the ultimate view of Times Square.  You know what I want to say. I felt like I was in a movie. As I sat up there and watched the world go by, I felt sad to be leaving- but at the same time, I knew that I had been lucky enough to truly see and experience the real New York. 

Here comes the recommendation. Obviously, I recommend that you all go to Whiskey Brooklyn and befriend some Americans so that you too can be shown around New York by someone who knows what they are doing. Then again, I am not sure that you would be able to find someone as street smart as Jared. Still, future travellers, I challenge you to go to New York and visit the places I did and then find your own spots to recommend. Go to Central Park, Chinatown and Grand Central Station. Make your own way and create your own memories.

All I have left of New York is a feeling in my heart and pictures in my head. I will hold on to those forever.  It is true what Frank said all those years ago: “If I can make it there, I'll make it anywhere. It's up to you New York, New York".

Cue music. Cue curtains.  That's all folks.

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